Thursday, September 08, 2005

All Moroccan schools to have internet connection in three years

Morocco is launching a project aiming at equipping all schools with Internet connections within three years, which will benefit six millions students. The cost, it is said, is only about US $133 millions. This is certainly a good move, and might help our future youth to use the Net in other ways than chatting, which is by far the activity of choice of today’s Moroccans. Besides that, such a decision means, logically, that Morocco should hire a large number of computer application teachers and IT technicians. Logically. Wait and see!

On a different, albeit related, topic, there are 100,000 Moroccan subscribers to Internet, 60% of which using the ADSL. Although the price for having such a service is slightly higher than, say, in the US, and although salaries are by no means comparable between the two countries, it is quite interesting that many people in Morocco assert that ADSL is not expensive. Getting used to expensive life might explain such a difference in price appreciation!


Jawad said...

Like they say: "From your mouth to God's ears"

Anonymous said...

Et bien la grande question est bel et bien l'usage qu'ils vont en faire. Est-ce que les cours changeront un peu en consequence? Est-ce que les jeunes vont apprendre a lire,a faire de la recherche,sans copier-coller? Est-ce que les profs vont s'y mettre aussi, apprendre, ne pas rejeter sans connaitre? Est-ce que chaque ecole aur droit a un technicien informatique pour reparer les pannes (et il y en aura)? Ca m'etonnerait...
Donc,encore une fois,ca doit faire partie d'un tout.

ADSL n'est vraiment pas cher,a mon humble avis. D'autant que Maroc telecom propose des packs de clones a partir de 3000 dh je pense.

Jallal EL Idrissi said...


Yeah, these are the questions to raise, regarding the effectiveness of the plan and its implementation. We’ll keep an eye on this project.

As to the price of the DSL, my point is, the price is comparable with US (around $20 for the cheapest) while the average salary is not. $20 in Morocco means something around $120 if we are conservative! Could you imagine the reaction of the people if that was the case? Or am I missing something?

Anyway, what I’m saying concerns not only the High Tech business but many other fields, such as the price of clothes, air fares, hotels, etc. It is a complete non sense and actually I didn’t address the expensiveness per se but rather the fact that people got used to it to the point of judging something expensive as “correct” or “ça va”.